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Nunavut Planning Commission Website Re-development

Nunavut Planning Commission Website Re-development
Nunavut Planning Commission
Web & Digital
April 2017 - December 2017
Iqualuit, NU
Project Summary

Kellett has worked with the Nunavut Planning Commissions since 2008 over two full website redesigns. In 2017, the client needed a fresh new look, mobile/responsive support, new CMS features, and content re-structuring to reflect their most current needs.

Client Needs

  • New and modern design
  • Up-to-date CMS platform with improved features and security
  • Content restructuring and refinement to meet current needs


Initially built on Drupal 5, the NPC website had become out-dated in terms of design, content management features, security and content structure. It was in need of a complete revamp to bring it up to date in every respect. Kellett chose the Drupal 7 platform, as this was the most robust and up-to-date system at the time, and worked with the client to plan out a new content structure and migration plan. We also came up with a new and more modern design that was responsive and could work properly on mobile devices. Content types were rebuilt and re-structured on the new platform and the old content migrated by us and mapped to the new structure and CMS features. We were able to automated some portions of the migration, while other parts were done manually.


A new and modern website on the most current CMS platform at the time. This included pre-formatted content templates, allowing the client to easily add rich and visually appealing content. New navigation structure and visuals made it easier for users to find information, and a new design and responsive theme made it look fresh and modern and properly support mobile devices. The site was also built with multilingual support including English, French, Inuktitut and Innuinaqtun so that complete translations can be implemented as and when required.

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