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Student Financial Assistance

Student Financial Assistance
GNWT Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Marketing & Strategy
Branding & Creative
Northwest Territories
Project Summary

The Department of Education, Culture and Employment provides financial assistance to eligible Northwest Territories (NWT) residents to assist with postsecondary education-related expenses. The Department and the SFA Program value transparency, which means being open about the policies, guidelines and regulations that govern both ECE and SFA.

Kellett developed several creative assets from concept development to final delivery. This includes producing graphic design services to create their Bring It North brand, student handbooks, and other communication materials.

Client Needs

The SFA campaign targeted current and potential SFA clients. That included anyone in Canada who is completing or has recently completed a post-secondary program, and must repay student debt. It is a predominantly young audience belonging to the “Millennial” generation, which entails specific communication strategies and a heavy reliance on digital media and social networks.


When the Bring It North campaign launched the SFA Facebook page had approximately 800 page likes and very little post reach and engagement. Over three months we were able to increase the number of page likes but also substantially increase user engagement with the page. At the end of the second year of the campaign, the page has a total of 1828 likes.

One of the best elements of engagement was posting the SFA Video. The English version had 3,772 views. Our recommendation for future years was to continue posting on Facebook and increase the budget to allow for community management to respond to replies and create conversations.

More recently, Kellett was tasked with developing and designing several Social media graphics as they have become more active on Instagram.  

The Student Financial Assistance (SFA) campaign had five goals outlined:

  1. Target audiences are aware of and understand the features of the NWT SFA program;
  2. Target audiences believe that living in the NWT upon graduation is a great way to launch a career and reduce their student debt;
  3. A larger number of students (both NWT students and non-NWT students) choose to seek employment in the NWT upon completion of their post-secondary education;
  4. Highlighting the opportunities for children born in or relocating to the NWT;
  5. Highlighting opportunities within the NWT labour market and lifestyle options across the territory.
lets chat


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